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What we do in life and business and how we use our God-given talents because we are persuaded by the Holy Spirit is a great responsibility of every born again believer. The Bible gives us so many examples of how God chose and used the most unlikely to do His amazing work, examples to inspire us even today as we go about living out what God has called us to do.

Isaiah was going about his everyday life when God opened up the heavens and gave him a vision that forever changed the course of his life. The Apostle Paul felt God's responsibility upon him to start, grow and minister to local church fellowships. The letters he wrote to these churches make up much of the New Testament to inspire us hundreds of years later.

Paul and Isaiah serve as a reminder for you and I that as Christians we are no different in the eyes of God when it comes to our life's purpose. As believers, we must trust that God has equipped us to impact the lives of others for His glory and their spiritual growth.

I see so many talented women who are allowing the enemy to rob them of the calling God has placed on their lives. Satan is the father of deception and will never stop trying to keep you from living the life God has planned for you. "God would never use you. You aren't important enough for God, so let it go. God can always find someone better. Someone with more followers, a better writer and speaker. Why would he use you?"

As followers of Christ, God calls us to be His human ambassadors, to commit our works to Him, for His glory and not our own. Serving others allows God to work through us thereby not only blessing others but blessing our own lives and businesses in the process. Through our works, we are sharing the love of Christ so others may know Him.

"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans." Proverbs 16:3

So how do you ensure you are living your God-given calling in a responsible way? I could write an entire novel on this and am sure there are tons of books that dive deeper into this subject but here are two important points I want to share with you today:

A CALLING FROM GOD REQUIRES A RESPONSE When God calls upon us, not only do we need to respond to Him but more importantly to obey what He has asked of us. This sounds simple but we can so often allow our own ideas, thoughts and emotions to get in the way. Change and pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones is not easy but when we don't submit to God, we can't fully live out the purpose and plans He has for us.

God may be calling you to lead a local Bible study for women or He may be calling on you to quit your job, pack up and move overseas to step into a full-time missionary role. We must trust God's plan even when we don't fully understand it and respond to Him through obedience. Let go of the need to have it all figured out. Only God can have a bird's eye view meaning we have to walk by faith and not by sight trusting that He only wants what is best for us and that it's His will for us to prosper.

"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans." Proverbs 16:3

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Isaiah responded immediately to God’s call. Once he received God’s forgiveness, he willingly gave himself to what God was asking of him. Obedience is an act of love and God promises blessings to those who follow Him.

“If you love me, keep my commands." John 14:15

“Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” Luke 11:28

What has God been laying on your heart in this season of your life? What work has He been revealing for you? Will you let go and trust fully in Him to guide and counsel you?

A CALLING FROM GOD REQUIRES RESPONSIBILITY Surrendering to step into a calling from God means accepting responsibility for the things He has asked us to do even when it's not easy, frustrating, makes no sense and met with resistance. Isaiah was called to preach a message that would not be well received. No matter how much he showed up to do his part, people would not listen.

As followers of Christ, we can only be responsible for obeying God and what He has asked of us. We are not responsible for the outcome, that is God's job. We are asked to be obedient to God’s call so He can work through us. Isaiah faithfully preached but very few responded. He did what God asked of him even when it seemed he failed to reach anyone.

As you go about the work God has for you, it will often feel like a waste of time. When you post on social media and no one likes or comments, when you record a video and only 2 people watch, when you write a blog post and no one shares it. It's our human nature to desire to see the results of our labor, to reap the reward and when things don't seem to be going as well as we think they should, the enemy shows up to tell us we are a failure and to give up but that could not be farther from the truth.

We have to remember that God is not measuring the results, He is measuring our faithfulness to do what He has called us to do. We must surrender our earthly pride and ego to leave the results up to Him.

If God used what our modern society uses to measure success, Isaiah would be considered a total failure but God is not as interested in the size and effectiveness of our work as He is in our motives and whether our hearts are submitted to Him.

In closing, don't allow worry, perfectionism, comparison or fear control how you submit to a Father who loves you and has chosen you, yes you, for His important work. Take heart, comfort and encouragement in the words of Jesus:

"Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father." John 14:12

What steps can you take today to joyfully respond to the responsibility of living your God-given calling?

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